BART Police are arresting people for sleeping in the BART stations. This has to stop !!
All human beings have the RIGHT TO REST !
On Saturday November 8th the Coalition on Homelessness led a SLEEP-IN & PICKET to call for an end to BART police harassment of people sleeping in the transit stations.
The BART Police Department has been embattled almost since its inception, with bad publicity flowing directly from poor decisions and horrific incidents.
We are facing an unprecedented housing crisis in San Francisco. Instead of recognizing the crisis and coming up with effective solutions, BART has chosen the tried and failed route of rousting, citing and arresting.
Join The Coalition on Homelessness to end BART Police harassment!
We want to continue to put public and media pressure on BART to stop their racial and class-based profiling and policing and call for a California Homeless Bill of Rights that ensures all Californians have a right to rest.
For more information contact The Coalition on Homelessness - (415) 346-3740